If you are attending a conference this year, make the event work for you! It’s difficult in large settings to make a meaningful connection. I like to create three points of view to socialize. These POVs encourage conversation and help me meet interesting people. This technique is also ideal when meeting with executives or attending a work function.
Create a POV around why the subject of the conference matters to you. Pick one reason.
Identify a session from the conference that interests you most. Prepare to share why you are interested in this session and ask others at the conference what they are excited to see. Once you have seen the speaker or attended the session, pick a personal highlight to socialize.
Identify one thing you or your company does well related to the conference subject and one area that's challenging. Create a question around the challenge area and get as much feedback as possible.
You may not remember the specifics of what you learned, but you will deepen the connections you made.